The Art of Skilled Decision Making: 8 Useful and Unique Tips – Infographic

Decision-making is a sharp knife that cuts clean and straight; indecision, a dull one that hacks and tears and leaves ragged edges behind it – Gordon Graham. Wise words indeed, and always relevant. Because, to run and grow a business, you will have to make decisions constantly, and your cutting edge will be the ability to take them quickly and intelligently.

However, quick and effective decision-making isn’t instinctive – it’s a learned skill that can be mastered. This infographic highlights different decision-maker types and 8 unique decision-making tips. Know your type, and approaches that work best.

How to Make a Hard Decision Fast and Skyrocket Your Business’s Success:

The Art of Skilled Decision Making: 8 Useful and Unique Tips - Infographic

Infographic by – Fundera

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