Aluminum: A Metal that Delivers on 21st Century Sustainability and Recyclability Goals – Infographic

Did you know that aluminum is the third most abundant element in the Earth’s crust? That, this metal has infinitely superior properties like lightness and corrosion-resistance, making it one of the most popular metals used in production – imagine, in 1900, 6800 metric tons of aluminum was produced…in 2015, this figure at multiplied manifold to 57.5million tons!

Foremost, however, is the fact that it’s an infinitely recyclable material – two-thirds of aluminum ever produced is still in circulation today! This infographic highlights the huge role of aluminum in moving towards a sustainable future.

Benefits of Aluminum Can Recycling:

Aluminum: A Metal that Delivers on 21st Century Sustainability and Recyclability Goals - Infographic

Infographic by – Recyclebank

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