Modern Living Demands New Choices: New Alternative Sleep Cycles – Infographic

It’s a 24/7 world today. Almost all work and leisure activities follow new time schedules, with little concern for the age-old pattern of sunrise-wake up-sunset-wind down. Think what would happen if we wound the clock back to earlier cycles – the first big calamity would be the internet shutting down every evening, and with it our modern world!

Then, can our sleep cycles still follow the ancient rhythm of 8/24 hours? This infographic highlights four alternative sleep cycles that don’t compromise on quality of sleep, or the rejuvenating and restorative cycles of NREM and REM sleep-modes.

4 Alternative Sleeping Cycles That You Didn’t Know About:

Modern Living Demands New Choices: New Alternative Sleep Cycles - Infographic

Infographic by – Dreams

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