Artificial Intelligence: The Journey from Future to Present – Infographic

Almost 100 years ago, in 1927, human imagination on artificial intelligence first expressed itself on celluloid in a film titled Metropolis. Since then, we’ve been treated to a line-up of iconic AI characters from Terminator to Gigolo Joe to Wall-E to the Bicentennial Man.

Translating the human imagination to actuality has taken a far shorter time – today, 77% of devices utilize AI, 97% of mobile users have AI-powered voice assistants, and the global AI market will touch $60billion by 2025, up from $1.4billion in 2016! Here’s a fascinating infographic that spells out the future impact of AI.

The AI Revolution:

Artificial Intelligence: The Journey from Future to Present - Infographic

Infographic by – TechJury

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