5G: State of Trials and Launch Readiness – Infographic

Telecommunication and networking are centric to the new paradigms of global development: every aspect of our lives is driven by data transmission speeds and network. From the earliest 2G era that lasted over two decades, to the explosive growth of 3G, 4G and, soon, the 5G era, technological advancements have catapulted us forward at breakneck speed.

This infographic explores the state of research and readiness in 5G trials and the high speeds attained in trial – Etisalat is claiming 36Gb/s! Though 5G launch is expected only in 2020, expect absolute reshaping and redefining of our future world!

5G: State of Trials and Launch Readiness - Infographic

Infographic Source: The State of 5G Trials Globally by VIAVI

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