4 Questions, 15 Languages: A Translation Guide for Tourists – Infographic

A allaf gael pizza os gwelwch yn dda?

Mogu li ya pitstsu pozhaluysta?

Ma heli karaa pizza ah fadian?

You noticed the word ‘pizza’ used twice? Great! Ergo, these indecipherable sentences have something to do with pizza! (How to order pizza in Welsh, Russian and Somali!) With the world opening up like never before, imagine visiting hitherto unexplored novel destinations like Estonia, Poland, Lithuania, Russia. Could you make yourself understood?

Remember locals always love tourists who try to learn their language and culture. Surprise them – learn how to ask 4 basic questions in this infographic.

How To Order A Beer / Pizza / Taxi / Coffee In 15 Different Languages Around The World:

4 Questions, 15 Languages: A Translation Guide for Tourists - Infographic

Infographic by – SilverDoor Apartments

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