Tales of Insomnia, Dysania and Apnea: 22 Surprising Facts About Sleep – Infographic

Let’s assume an average of 8 hours of sleep every night – that’s 1/3rd of your day (and life) devoted to sleep! And very essential too, as your body needs the time to rest and repair itself –  no wonder, Shakespeare poetically described it as ‘gentle sleep, nature’s nurse’.

However, did you know the sleep is essential not just for humans, animals and fish, but also for trees and plants! This infographic presents little-known facts about sleep and sleeping patterns, and the huge role it plays in shaping the quality of our lives.

Tales of Insomnia, Dysania and Apnea: 22 Surprising Facts About Sleep - Infographic

Infographic Source: 22 Facts About Sleep That Will Surprise You by Cleveland Clinic

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