All About the Gruesome (or Awesome!) Human Body: 20 Amazing Facts – Infographic

There’s enough stories about gross animal habits – how male honeybees mate just once, after which their body simply explodes! Or, how male giraffes drink the female’s urine to check out mating possibilities! But, did you know that we way-above-the-average-animal humans also have really weird bodies – we’re in stiff competition with other species for the ‘grossness’ prize!

Like the fact that a lot of the dust accumulating in your home is actually your own dead skin cells! Check this infographic for 20 little known gruesome facts about the human body. Or awesome, you decide!

All About the Gruesome (or Awesome!) Human Body: 20 Amazing Facts - Infographic

Infographic Source: 20 Gross & Gruesome Facts About The Human Body by

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