12 Foods that Mess with Your Skin: Keep Them Off Your Plate – Infographic

Alcohol, trans fats, fast foods, processed foods – all these play havoc with your body and your weight – everyone knows that! But, did you know that these foods are just as guilty for destroying the health of your skin? Blotchy skin, aging wrinkled skin, swollen puffy skin, dehydrated dry skin, under-eye circles…if you notice any of these in the mirror, think first about what you’ve been eating!

This infographic highlights foods that you should keep off your plate, if you want to feel and look healthy! Because you are what you eat!

12 Foods to Keep off your Plate for Skin Health:

12 Foods that Mess with Your Skin: Keep Them Off Your Plate - Infographic

Infographic by – Alyaka

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