10 Animals You Want To Hug But Should NOT

The internet is always buzzing with cute and funny animal videos/pictures. You may want to go near them and touch them or even push the envelope by hugging them. Before that, we suggest you read a little about them because they sure won’t reciprocate those emotions.

#1 Mute Swan

These come across as elegant and calm. But if you hover anywhere around them, especially when they’re nesting, they will attack you.

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#2 Slow Loris

Slow Loris are the opposite of slow. They’re so dangerous that they can even give you an anaphylactic shock. They have a way of releasing poison from their elbows that mixes with the saliva. It’s said Slow Loris have evolved from Cobras.

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#3 Pufferfish

Fishermen have been fishing this exotic creature for years. This is the second most deadly vertebrae in the world; it can kill up to 20 human beings at once. Don’t go by the cute polka dots, maintain a safe distance.

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#4 Leopard Seal

Seals are the cutest, they’re so slippery and adorable. But don’t be swayed away by the looks; they’re much dangerous than you can imagine. They’re known to stalk and kill humans.

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#5 Dingo

Dog is a man’s best friend they say. But these dog-like creatures are known to be extremely aggressive and have mauled humans no matter how friendly you are.

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#6 Panda

Pandas are the cutest, most cuddliest animals on this planet. You’ve seen them move along slowly and wonder what harm could this furballs do. If they sense danger they can be as danger as black bears.

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#7 Poison Dart Frog

Why are these neon coloured frogs named as poison darts? It is said that native South Americans used these frogs at the end of their arrows to attack enemies. These little creatures can kill up to ten adults.

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#8 Cassowary

They look exotic and colorful. This interesting creature should be watched from a distance, if you go anywhere near then you will get stomach ripped off in a second. They attack using their clwas if they sense danger.

Male Cassowary & Chicks

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#9 Hippopotamus

So they’re large in size and very heavy in weight, but you won’t believe the rate at which they can attack. If they feel you’re too close than you should be they will clam you down using their big sized mouth and teeth.

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#10 Duck Billed Platypus

Don’t judge them based on their furry coat and quiet nature. Though they may seem harmless be carful around thei hind legs, those are filled with venom and can leave in pain for months.

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