0-18 Months – Stages Of A New Born Baby – Infographic

A new mother juggles many tasks and emotions. While a lot of things differ from child to child, there are certain milestones a baby is expected to reach during the growth phases.

New parents generally have a lot of questions pertaining to the growth of their newly born. We do not want you to miss your baby’s firsts, here’s a heads up!

This infographic aims to answer those queries. We have made a three months period table for 0 to 18 months babies. You can see the listed milestones that the baby should have ideally achieved. Having said that, do remember that every child is unique, do not panic or pressure your baby into achieving any of those benchmarks.

Newborn Stages: 0-18 Months

0-18 Months - Stages Of A New Born Baby - Infographic

Infographic by – NewBorn Edmonton

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